
Current Projects


The OOV-Cube mission is a nanosatellite (10kg) mission with the purpose to demonstrate innovative scientific experiments. It is a joint mission between TU Berlin and Rapid Cubes GmbH, while the nanosat is based on TU Berlin’s successful TUBiX10 platform.


Read more: OOV-CUBE


The AIOTY-CUBE nanosatellite is based on RapidCube-20 platform  with the purpose to demonstrate innovative scientific experiments. It is a joint mission between TU Berlin and Rapid Cubes GmbH.


Read more: AIOTY-CUBE


The aim of the AITHER project is to design, develop and test a miniaturized onboard data processing system based on COTS components for artificial intelligence based applications. We at Rapid Cubes are responsible for development of a reliable, radiation tolerant system that could perform computationally intensive tasks.


Read more: AITHER

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